
I woke up, was hungry. Was able to pass over the cookies Kelly made with her mom yesterday, looking for something nutritious.

Have you ever tried Kashi Organic Promise Cranberry Sunshine cereal? No? Let me help you. Have you ever had Corn Pops? Think cartoon commercials with a frog I think. (Is that right? Does that actually make any sense?) Corn Pops were these corn puffs sweetened with sugar and honey or something. A little weird, but they tasted… good. I think. This Kashi cereal this puffed clusters that I assume are similarly made, but since it’s fancy organic, they skip the sweet. So it’s Styrofoam. I figured the Cranberry part would help the flavor and texture, so I hunted my bowl for something resembling fruit. Didn’t find it. Just more Styrofoam peanuts. Certainly if it tastes like crap it’s good for me, right? Well, the nutritional details don’t offset the taste. I must be too accustomed to fortified cereals like Cheerios or better yet, Cinnamon Toast Crunch – even when it’s loaded with sugar, it can still be good for me!

So after even the garbage disposal had a hard time swallowing the organic food, I abandoned “healthy” and just wanted something that tasted good to cleanse my mouth. Cookies and leftover sloppy joe it is. And a Pepsi.

Good Morning!

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