Live on Yahoo!

So, Yahoo released their community video site, and I figured that since I’ve got the camera on the mac (and am *so* incredibly fascinating) I could share a bit of that with you! If I’ve got it turned on (and their server isn’t overloaded again), you should see me here. If I’m connected, you can go to my channel and chat.

Hopefully I’ll come up with a more entertaining use for this. For now, it’ll pretty much be just for my own amusement.

Fun with Fake Tilt Shift Photography

Sean pointed out Christopher Phin’s Fake Model Photography tutorial that shows you how to transform a photo into what appears to be a macro shot of a miniature model. Turns out this meme has been out for a while, and there a few collections of the style.

Easily distracted today, I looked through the iPhoto collection I have locally and experimented with a few pictures. I like the one below best.

model boats

I’ll likely play with some more photos and upload those to flickr if they turn out interesting enough.