
I try to generally work an 8-5 day at the office, which is somewhat flexible as long as the time is put in and work is getting done. Unfortunately, I’m finding that recently I’m most available, productive and driven for this particular project starting sometime between 3 and 4pm, which encourages that work to come home with me to continue a task, or for catching up. I’m trying to figure out if this is a side-effect of having other smaller things to do during the day that I can’t block out a zone for major productivity until that late, or if I’m procrastinating.

I’ve certainly been guilty of the latter in the past, but I think I get to rule it out this time. I’m actually getting plenty of things done during the rest of the day, and later at night finding that I’m behind on the research and personal things I want to do since I was busy during the day.

It looks like it’s time to re-organize some task priorities and try and schedule times for getting certain things done. This doesn’t seem like it’s a practical approach as at least half of my day is addressing things that come up that week, but without changing something I anticipate the daily distractions (work or otherwise) will continue to delay the window of ideal productivity until it’s outside work completely. Soon it could be when I should be sleeping. I can do the nocturnal thing, but it doesn’t match well with everyone else’s schedule. Perhaps I should just let it continue until it rolls around to starting during the morning at work. Maybe things may reset once this project is rolled up and tasks change again.

I need to work on my time management.

I addressed a few things this morning and found myself with time to initiate the zone. It didn’t work out. That window isn’t here yet. So I post this, as a reminder to try again soon before other tasks hit me and the day is over.

I vote for longer days.

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