New Web Identity with PersonCode?

Hans shares some details of his PersonCode idea, along with a scenario tying profile details between sites for mashup potential.

Issues I have with the landscape right now:

  1. A consistent and private identifier has still not been adopted.

    Hans calls out MicroID as the closest conceptually, though it doesn’t appear to extend much past validating ownership of content. The suggestion that MicroID may be repurposed to also allow generating a unique ID for every URI one would want to claim further leads me to think it’s not ideal for specific identity concerns.

  2. Users are lazy.

    Adoption will only succeed if the identifier is implemented to limit additional input a user must contribute or remember, otherwise you’ll only keep the geeks closer to the technology that recognize the benefits and rationalize the extra steps. I’m able to throw a MicroID or Personcode meta tag in my site header to identify me. I would save a PersonCode in a web app’s profile setting page if it meant access to additional information. But these are also one-time actions. Add a PersonCode input to the Add Comment forms we use? Maybe… Certainly I’d like to assert myself as the author every time I post something on somenone else’s site, but I already often include Name and URL at least, email perhaps, but those are easy to remember. b1696048949625089c03b9a585e93247a3ef72d0 not so much. Maybe the app generates it for me from the existing credentials, or browser-autocomplete makes this a moot point.

  3. I prefer the decentralized approach, but that means more work to get it going.

    Bit of a “chicken or the egg” issue here. A user won’t create a PersonCode until they see the benefit from a web of sites that support it, and how many sites will implement communication between each other until there’s a user-base for it? A central source of discovery for types of information would ease the implementation-side, but that model doesn’t regularly survive. Each site would have to adequately describe how they share the information for others to consume. Get a few high-profiles to adopt it though, and I can see it taking off quickly.

Other mashup scenarios?

  • plazes could use my PersonCode to request my photos from flickr that were geo-tagged near where I’m located.
  • Update FOAF (or replace?) with a PersonCode friend list I host, allow that as the source of my friends, and let sites use that as the basis of my network for sharing photos, links, events, etc.

I want to see this succeed, regardless of format, but incentives have to be made obvious to get people on board.

2 thoughts on “New Web Identity with PersonCode?

  1. Two clarifications:

    You as a user would not have to even know what your PersonCode is, much less enter it with your account registration, as it is generated from your email address alone. There’s the elegance: we’re using your email address to mash, but without sharing it.

    If SHA-1 hashes of mailto: URLs was adopted as the standard approach, then FOAF would already serve as an ideal social network format unaltered.

  2. Two clarifications:

    You as a user would not have to even know what your PersonCode is, much less enter it with your account registration, as it is generated from your email address alone. There’s the elegance: we’re using your email address to mash, but without sharing it.

    If SHA-1 hashes of mailto: URLs was adopted as the standard approach, then FOAF would already serve as an ideal social network format unaltered.

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