6 thoughts on “I will own this

  1. Hell, that does look pretty fun. I’m even interested to give that a try. Any idea how much all that would cost?? i see the 360 sets of guitar hero for like $80, thats gotta be pretty pricey for two guitars, a drum set and a microphone. Is there going to be a cover charge to play this at your house then?

  2. Hell, that does look pretty fun. I’m even interested to give that a try. Any idea how much all that would cost?? i see the 360 sets of guitar hero for like $80, thats gotta be pretty pricey for two guitars, a drum set and a microphone. Is there going to be a cover charge to play this at your house then?

  3. I think the going rumor is $200, which I’d gladly pay for this kind of collaborative fun. That’s a lot of video game peripherals specific to a single console, but I think it’d be worth it for the parties.

  4. I think the going rumor is $200, which I’d gladly pay for this kind of collaborative fun. That’s a lot of video game peripherals specific to a single console, but I think it’d be worth it for the parties.

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