Simple Pleasures

Today I removed the car key from the key-ring that normally occupies my pocket, placed it on its own ring, and stored that ring near the door for the rare occasions it is needed.

My lightened key-ring now only holds keys to my apartment, and the magnetic key-fob for work.

Living and working Downtown continues to please me.

Office Holiday Party

Lessons Learned:

  • the “geek” table ends up the loudest
  • the charlie brown x-mas tree is better left un-adorned
  • blue-balls, rubber, hot-wax, o-ring: all acceptable table conversation in context
  • placing the iPod Nano down your pants does not protect it from theft during gift-exchange
  • several glasses of wine does not make me a better foosball player
  • ability to walk home from an open-bar party is plus.
  • TWI (Typing While Intoxicated) not recommended
  • summary makes for interesting SEO fodder
  • boss knows how to throw a party
  • I like my company.

    Car Accidented

    Short Story: I was in a car accident, just a block from home. Everyone is OK, and the car is drivable, but needs some work. Or just lots of duct-tape to hold in the still operating headlight and turn-signal.

    Recently I was talking about how I don’t regret selling our second car and only having one. I may take that back. I’m doubtful repairs can be completed before the travel we were planning for Thanksgiving, and I can’t imagine trying to get a rental around the holiday will be cheap.

    I can’t wait to see my rates go back up. It may also make sense to add the rental option to the insurance since we don’t have a backup.

    Maybe I can just give up driving completely.

    Car + Sprawl = Deer Carnage

    About 1.5 million deer-vehicle collisions happen each year in the United States, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Those accidents cause about 150 deaths and $1.1 billion in property damage annually, according to NHTSA.

    Increasing deer populations and the encroachment of urban sprawl into the deer’s natural habitat have added to the risk, according to State Farm.

    Worst states for auto-deer crashes

    Missouri didn’t make it in the top 10, but it wouldn’t surprise me to see it close.

    I pay more for car insurance while living in the city as the insurance company observes more break-in claims from here. I hope similarly the deer with an idiot problem raise the insurance rates of the sprawlers.

    Say Cheese

    There are two jugs of milk in our fridge.

    Each expiration date has a different month.

    The months are not consecutive.

    Neither month is this month.

    RE: soda taken from the hot car

    Dear Kelly,

    I’m sorry I thought the cases of soda left in the car during our heat wave would be fine going from nearly boiling outside to cooling in the fridge. You’re not here right now, so you don’t yet get to see that they in fact did sort of explode.

    You were right.


    Diet Dr Pepper Berries & Cream

    On the way home tonight, I picked up a bottle of Diet Dr Pepper Berries & Cream to see stay awake for a bit longer, and to figure out what it’s supposed to taste like. Kelly says cough syrup. I say it tastes like not sleeping. Curse you caffeine!