Work, Sleep, Work, Sleep

The majority of today was difficult to push through.

I partly blame last night, I was up late changing some code for work. From home. An emergency for a client apparently means an emergency for me. Regardless, I finished the requested changes despite an earlier misunderstanding and was able to put it out of my mind before I went to bed. We have a white noise machine that plays for an hour after turned on to aid in falling asleep; I don’t remember being awake for long.

I woke up and still heard the generated sound. Still feeling exhausted, I was happy to realize that hearing the white noise meant I still had a night’s worth of sleep waiting. Except it was actually morning and time to get out of bed; I had accidently set it to play constantly instead of the usual hour timer. Sleeping in later was not an option. Now exhausted and furious, I decided to exercise some on our neglected elliptical to alleviate the rage I didn’t want to release anywhere else.

I need to exercise more anyway. Exhausting myself physically is good for a mental reset. I miss cycling, I should pick up some cold weather gear.

I expected a full day of work, and was fortunately more productive than I anticipated once I started. I’m essentially hacking some ugly old code to enable some new requirements, but since I revisited the codebase recently, I was able to deploy updates sooner than I expected. I’m glad I could, since my other task that was supposed to occupy the second half of the day lasted well into the evening. I think due to my rude awakening, the entire day I felt unable to focus and would get frustrated at the smallest things. I needed a nap. The Mountain Dew I downed during a dinner break kept me going long enough to get most of what I needed done, and actually by the time I left I was feeling pretty accomplished.

It’s at that point I’m most comfortable shelving thoughts of work, and clearing my mind for home; something I’m not typically strong at. It’s a shame I didn’t get to that point earlier.

Maybe it was just the caffeine.

So I’m home now. It’s 10:30. I should sleep, but right now I’m too awake. Guess I can spend some time catching up on what happened today.

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