Prelude to the 2005 Gateway MS 150

If everything goes as planned, tomorrow I’ll be in Columbia, MO riding in the MS 150 bike tour. Because I cave to peer pressure, the plan is to pedal 200 miles this weekend.

I’m kind of anxious right now, but mostly because I’m not quite prepared… I’ve not yet gathered all the gear and supplies I need, and with about 5 hours before we hope to leave, I still don’t have my bike! Now, that’s mostly my fault as I took it in late to get some work and a tune-up done, but I can still be frustrated because it was supposed to be done yesterday, but wasn’t. It’s expected to be ready before noon today – hopefully that’s true.

The distance doesn’t worry me as I’ve done it before, but I’m still certain it will be a significant amount of torture. Hopefully the hills are kind and the heat and wind aren’t too bad. Wanna come? I’ve got an extra registered number… I probably haven’t sold the experience well…

The point for all this is to raise money for National MS Society programs and research for a multiple sclerosis cure. Please sponsor me as I try and do my part for this event.

Thank you.

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